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​​Teri Hunter

Your Guide to Angel Readings, Reiki, Meditation and Self-Exploration

​​​Unlike a weekend seminar, Taking Charge - A Commitment to Self is a 12 week empowerment program tailored to your unique and individual goals.  When your enthusiasm wanes and the light at the end of the tunnel seems like an oncoming train that's when you need a "coach". Someone to help you hold yourself accountable for making your dreams a reality. Someone who will remind you that you deserve the things you desire and they are there for the taking but YOU have to take them--the chances that they are going to fall on your head are pretty slim.  

Taking Charge is a custom tailored empowerment program intended to create results.  

The program addresses areas where we all get in our own way, feel stuck, unable to move pass a certain plateau. Taking Charge creates a solid plan to shift out of unconscious patterns and live a life of empowerment through conscious choice.  The program focuses on current life situations and patterns of behavior that sabotage the clients’ greatest happiness.

Are you ready to live the life you were meant to?  Are you ready to Take Charge?

I work with my clients on their unique circumstances meeting for an hour each week, via phone or in-person and together we map out intentions for the following weeks.  Email reports of your results are submitted weekly. Together we track your progress and adjust our strategy.

I am proud to partner with Map Your Progress. 

Map Your Progress takes a graphic and fun approach to tracking goals through creative progress maps. Each time you complete a small action, you color in a swirl on your map. That way, you can see your progress in a tangible form that looks beautiful. Click on the links above or the image below to find out how you can map your progress in a fun and creative way!
Contact information

Teri Hunter

Phone:  949.903.3385

Email: info@terihunter.com

You will train in the following:
The power of journal writing

​The power of affirmations

​The power of gratitude

​The power of body movement

​​​It doesn't have to be New Year's to make resolutions to change your life.  Maybe you want to start planning for your financial future, or pursue the career you always wanted but it seemed unattainable.  Or you want to lose weight, start  exercising, find the love of your life.  

Today, you've decided you want to change your life, take that dream of yours out of the closet, dust it off and start living it. You're all fired up, ready to take this new resolve and kick some b*tt, you're full of enthusiasm and motivation.  Cut to: a week later, you want to sleep in and blow off exercise or you are too stressed or busy to -- you fill in the blank.  Nearly half of Americans make New Year's resolutions, but only about 15% are able to keep them over the long-term.  In other words, about 85% break their resolutions, with as many as 20% breaking them in the first week! 

TAKING CHARGE: A commitment to self
Angel Therapy Practitioner® | Intuitive Guide | Reiki Master | Spiritual Advisor | Meditation Guide | Psychic | Life Coach